
Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

We can implement a CI/CD pipeline to automate software builds, testing, and deployment. This allows for faster and more reliable software delivery by integrating security into every aspect of the software development lifecycle.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

DevOps teams can use IaC tools to automate the provisioning and management of infrastructure, ensuring that resources are deployed consistently and securely.

Configuration Management

DevOps teams can use configuration management tools to manage and maintain the configuration of servers, applications, and other resources, ensuring that they are consistent and up-to-date.

Security from scratch

Our DevSecOps engineers work with businesses to assess their security needs, identify vulnerabilities, and implement robust security measures throughout the development process by following the SAST&DAST scans and security automation techniques.

Monitoring and Alerting

DevSecOps team implement monitoring and alerting system to track the performance and availability of applications and infrastructure, allowing for proactive issue resolution and ensure that security is maintained at all times, using automation and machine learning to quickly identify and remediate security threats.

Cloud Migration and Management

DevOps teams can help businesses to migrate their applications and infrastructure to the cloud, and then manage them in an efficient and cost-effective manner. This includes monitoring, scaling, and optimizing resources to ensure that they are always running at peak performance.

Complaince Management

Our DevSecOps services help businesses to comply with industry regulations and standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS, ensuring that they can safely handle sensitive data and operate in a secure and compliant manner.

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